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Category : Greater Manchester
Address : 16 Whitehall Avenue
Appley Bridge
Telephone : 01257 255097
Fax :
Website : www.excelaccountancysolutions.co.uk/
Some of the areas we cover are as follows: Management Accouting - Budgeting, cashflow, P&L, balance sheet, debtors & creditors analysis, accruals & prepayments, KPIs...... Fiance Projects - process review, ERP system consultation, interim management, data analysis..... Excel Solutions - Review of current spreadsheets, fixing spreadsheets that no longer work, formula solution, design standard templates, data presentation (charts, graphs, pivot tables etc), end user training....... To find out how we can help your business please contact us.
-----This entry was submitted from accountants.northwestandwales.co.uk-----
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