Accountants North Wales and North West


Many businesses require accounts to help keep track of financial transactions, communicating the information to members of the business, such as managers and shareholders.

JT Thomas & Co Accountants in North Wales recognise the importance of the accounting function; supplying raw data into something you can use to move a business forward. Accountants North Wales supply systems and methods which ensure quick, understandable recording of financial transactions and balances on customer and client accounts.

JT Thomas & Co have systems allowing aged lists of debtors and creditors, current month and year profit and loss accounts and up to the minute balance sheets to be available instantly.

Good accounting helps keep track of business affairs and sustains successful management.




Bookkeeping is the process of keeping track of all financial transactions, incomings and outgoings. JT Thomas & Co Accountants in North Waless help by visiting your business on a regular basis to assist in preparing financial information and other bookkeeping tasks such as data input, bank reconciliations and VAT returns, also offering to equip the appropriate software to help with accounting, including proper staff training to go with it.

A good accountant will monitor your controls and data on a regular basis, either monthly or quarterly depending on agreement, making sure there are no compliance issues. Proper bookkeeping will help ease the preparation of management and annual accounts, making sure you know where you are as soon as possible after the month, quarter or end of year.




The involvement of a sale or purchase of part or all of a business is a very specialist area where detailed help is essential and almost always required. These kinds of transactions don’t come along too often in the life of a business or its owners, the figures involved are of significance and have given advice on many occasions, for clients either from the perspective of an acquirer or disposer.

An agreed fee is set for precise assistance at every level, including preparation of an information memorandum, identifying appropriate partners, drafting of heads of agreement and fund raising.


Tax Solutions


JT Thomas & Co aim to help company's maximize their profits, helping to keep taxation exposure as low as it can be.

Always looking to develop relationships with their clients, Hart Parry aim to work long-term with regular reviews of progress, keeping up to date with financial information and allow for timely and accurate advice.

With their expert knowledge within the accountancy field, hart parry work hard, explaining tax planning in as straightforward a manner as possible, allowing clients to understand the process, the outcomes and of course, the benefits. They help individuals and businesses and are able to review all maters from capital taxation to income, corporate taxes, stamp duty and VAT.


Tips on selecting an Accountant


  1. Always verify that the company is credible and legitimate. The internet is a great place to start. Check out their license, accreditations, certification and affiliations.

  2. Visit their website and check out client testimonials

  3. Arrange for a meeting with the accountant, you need to be able to communicate with them and ask the right questions

  4. Find out how long they have been working in the industry, the longer they have been doing the job the more extensive their knowledge will be in most cases.

  5. Find out what the accountant normally focuses on – whether it is business or personal, you need somebody that can meet your needs!!

  6. Benefits of Accountants in Business


There are numerous benefits to hiring an Accountant including getting financially organised, financial planning for the future – it’s always good to have a clear sight of your goals. Performance monitoring and improvement means keeping track of your business

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