Accountants North Wales and North West

Hart Parry Accountants in Bangor Autumn Update

Hart Parry Accountants in Bangor are one of North Wales’ most reputable legal firms and always have plenty going on to showcase. This Autumn is no different as the Self Assessment deadline approaches on January 31st.

New Team Member
Sion Williams has hit the ground running at Hart Parry after progressing from his apprenticeship into full employee status within the firm. The future looks bright for the young expert as he is also studying for his AAT qualification and has really developed into an integral part of the team.

British Accountancy Awards 2014
It doesn’t get much more prestigious for accountants than being shortlisted at the British Accountancy Awards but Hart Parry Cyf and Dafydd Hughes make the cut! The company will be looking to build on their previous win as ‘Independent Firm of the Year’ in the Wales category when the event takes place on the 25th of November.

A thank you for the referrals
The fact that Hart Parry receive plenty of fantastic referrals from their existing customers to potential new ones speaks volumes for the service that they provide. They would like to thank everyone who’s spread the good word and would subtly like to encourage you to keep doing so for the future.

The Minimum Wage Increases
As most employees and employers know, the minimum wage has recently increased for all age ranges and currently sits at £6.50ph. In addition, April 2015 will see a change for those under the age of 21 and there will be different NI category letters to go with them. Please contact Hart Parry if they help with your accounting to discuss this further.

RTI and Auto Enrolment
If you’re worried about getting this all in order for your business, the government has rolled back the date for penalisation back to April 2015. This leaves you plenty of opportunities to get in touch with Hart Parry and make sure everything is in order.

If you want to keep on top of all things Hart Parry, be sure to follow them on Twitter at @HartParry.

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