Accountants North Wales and North West

False Economy: Online Accountants


Running a business is difficult. Each and every business faces a very unique set of challenges, opportunities and circumstances which can make or break it at any point, and because each and every business is so varied and multifaceted, there really isn’t any generic advice which can guarantee the success of any. Essentially, the rules of business as it applies to individual businesses are not set in stone, and there are myriad areas that certain business owners may need help with, and areas where they may not.

As you search for a good accountant online, you might see a series of websites offering accountants through their websites. This is false economy. A chartered accountant is a consummate professional, which must know and understand your business, and must understand what makes your business different from others which do around and about the same thing yours does.

An online accountant does not understand you and does not understand your business on the same level meeting with a chartered accountant will. Furthermore, by exposing your financial information and the comings and goings of your business you may very well be submitting the information to individuals which may or may not manipulate it.

Of course, human nature is subjective. This article cannot assume that every single online accountancy firm would use your businesses financial information for their own ends, but as online firms are unregulated, it’s the same as leaving your business’s physical doors wide open, and hoping that no one comes in and takes anything.

Even if your online accountant's intentions are absolutely and entirely pure, more often than not, you’ll find yourself and your business treated with a one size fits all package, from your “online accountant” which is not qualified. Therefore, mistakes can happen, and liability will lie with you and not this firm as online accountants are treated about the same as having a friend manage your books – you are liable for any error as you are not dealing with a qualified professional.

There are a number of Chartered Accountants in North Wales and beyond which have very competitive rates; are qualified and will treat you and your business well; advising you on your businesses’ own merits, in a face to face manner. That’s surely more preferable than risking your business itself with an online quick fix.

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