Accountants North Wales and North West

HMRC Are Not Infallible So Be Protected

It has emerged that HMRC have had to pay almost a million pounds in 2016 as a result of erroneously perusing tax demands to businesses and individuals regarding their refunds and their write offs. Hearing that HMRC can indeed make mistakes is somewhat worrying – even if all of us know in our hearts of hearts that any organization in the world can, and does, make mistakes. It falls to accountants North Wales and beyond to make sure that you're not paying over the odds - and of course to persue matters when HMRCs demands are in error. 

One million pounds, in the grand scheme of things, isn’t really all that much money when you consider absolutely every taxpayer in the UK, though it does make you wonder whether or not it was through the HMRC’s own diligence or whether or not the figure which has to be paid out was so low because a far greater number of individuals and businesses did not question the HMRC’s demands.

Tax in the UK can feel unfair (and absolutely galling) for very many of us, and the services of a good accountant in North Wales or beyond can take the sting out of the process. A good accountant will work with you to lower the amount of tax you have to pay throughout the year, and will use a variety of above board measures to ensure that you are not liable for anything untoward. An accountant is essentially there to guide you to make measured choices about the way that you spend and you earn money, nothing more and nothing less.

The value of a good accountant is also amplified when it comes to matters such as HMRC demands. If a demand has been made errorously, then the services of an accountant will give you the confidence you need to make sure that the demand is challenged, and any error is pointed out. It can feel somewhat terrifying going against the government alone, even if you know that you’re in the right. An accountant in North Wales or further afield than that can allow you to only pay what you owe – and not a penny more.

Don’t be cowed into paying more than your fair due with the government – Get help.  

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